
An efficient local street network, increased pedestrian access, improved highways, and transit alternatives are all crucial to the thriving Westshore District.

Transportation is a top priority of the Westshore Alliance. The need for improved infrastructure and mobility options rank high among those who work and live in Westshore, according to the Westshore District Worker and Resident Survey. Our Westshore Transportation Map features major transportation projects which are planned, under construction and recently completed.

The Alliance Transportation Committee leads Westshore transportation advocacy efforts. We invite you to participate in these important initiatives. Contact Manager of Transportation and Planning Caroline Seccombe to learn more.


Development of the Westshore Transportation Action Plan is the latest in a long list of Alliance accomplishments to advocate and plan for transportation improvements in Westshore. The Action Plan identifies more than 100 projects from highways to buses and bike paths that Westshore businesses and residents will need in the next 25 years. Many of these projects are already underway. The Action Plan serves as a blueprint for Westshore transportation projects to 2045.

The Action Plan is centered around the projects related to the reconstruction of the Westshore Interchange. On October 24, 2019, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department of Transportation announced the interchange will be funded for construction in 2023-2024. Construction is expected to last five years. The project will include express lanes, three new local streets and several pedestrian connections to link the Howard Frankland Bridge Trail to the Courtney Campbell Causeway Trail and Westshore neighborhoods.

Our efforts go beyond the infrastructure needed to move people and goods in Westshore. The Alliance is also a Transportation Management Organization (TMO), the first in the state, and serves as a model for other urban areas. The TMO’s purpose is to serve as the transportation advocate for Westshore and to promote commuting alternatives.


For more than three decades, the Westshore Alliance has been an advocate for transportation improvements, while also taking on studies and projects that are supported by The Westshore Special Services District and public partners. Below are some recent major projects and plans that the Alliance has supported or produced:

2020: Howard Frankland Bridge construction scheduled to begin
2019: Westshore Interchange construction funded for 2023-2024 cycle
2019: West Shore Blvd. Complete Streets PD&E study started by Hillsborough County
2019: TBARTA Regional Rapid Transit PD&E study connecting Westshore Intermodal Center site to regional transit service in I-275 corridor
2019: Alliance endorsed Hillsborough 1-cent, 30-year transportation sales tax passes, 57%-43%
2018: Westshore Transportation Action Plan endorsed by Hillsborough MPO
2018: Himes Avenue Safety Improvements completed
2018: Tampa International Airport Rental Car Center and SkyConnect completed
2017: Dale Mabry Pedestrian Bridge included in MPO Long Range Transportation Plan
2013: Courtney Campbell Trail completed


Starting in 2019, drivers in Westshore will see almost daily interstate construction including the Howard Frankland Bridge and the Westshore Interchange. For up-to-date information on all Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) construction projects affecting the Westshore District, visit FDOT Tampa Bay.


The Alliance has constantly advocated for more sidewalks, bike lanes and trails to support Westshore businesses and residents. Following the publication of our 2009 Westshore Pedestrian Plan, 10 miles of sidewalks have been built in Westshore, including some by the Alliance using Special Services District funding. Private developers have also contributed through DRI and mobility-fee costs. We work with the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, and the FDOT on several projects, including Complete Streets treatments on West Shore Blvd., Lois Ave., and Spruce St.


To further reduce traffic congestion, we provide up-to-date information on commute options to employees of member companies. Tax incentives are available for employers who subsidize certain commute alternatives. Contact Caroline Seccombe to learn more.


The Westshore District is served by three express bus routes to Tampa International Airport, and nine local routes. Transit access is important for the businesses, residents, and visitors who travel in Westshore every day.

HART – Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority
PSTA – Service to and from Pinellas County, via Tampa International Airport
Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority – Offers online car/vanpool matching service