There’s no better time of year to create beautiful new memories with friends and family, and there’s no better place to do it than Tampa’s Westshore District. From the fantastic, festive décor to exciting entertainment and events, our wonderful community is your holiday home for shopping, dining, destination travel, and so much more. Be sure to include the West Coast’s GEM as you perfect your plans for this special season!
Pick Up Your Pals
Tampa International Airport makes quick visits from family and friends an awesome addition to your holiday agenda. TPA also recently launched the first ever curbside drop-off concept in the United States! This new, innovative opportunity allows passengers with a digital ticket and carry-on luggage the option to hop on a dedicated express route! With so many fast and reliable transportation options in the area, getting to and from your events and engagements will be easy and convenient. Who wouldn’t love a little warm weather cheer?! The more, the merrier!
Wrap Up Your ‘Nice List’
Nothing stirs the soul more than celebrating a special someone with the perfect present, and with more than 350 shops to explore at International Plaza and WestShore Plaza, inspiring options at the new Midtown Tampa development, and hundreds more in the area, you’re sure to find exactly what you need for everyone on your Nice List.
Indulge in Great Dining
Westshore residents are living the Life, and if you’re making a trip to the area as a valued guest, you, too, can have the incredible indulgence of visiting any one of the hundreds of restaurants in the area for inspiring, delicious fare to feed and nourish your body and spirit. Go ahead and have dessert first; you deserve it!
The Season of Grateful Giving
Westshore Community members and organizations find great purpose in devoting considerable resources to supporting the community, and in this season of gratitude, sharing the abundance of the holidays is a priority. Many people and essential programs rely on the efforts of phenomenal organizations like these, who proudly make their home in the Westshore District:
Shriners Hospitals for Children:
United Way Suncoast:
Children’s Cancer Center:
MacDonald Training Center:
Autism Shifts:
Chapters Health Systems/LifePath Hospice:
The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay:
South Tampa Edumenical Ministries, Inc. / Faith Café:
Make-A-Wish Foundation:
National Pediatric Cancer Foundation:
These organizations are always looking for help, and donating even a little of your time is such an enriching experience that you might find the greatest gift you give this season is the one that doesn’t cost a dime.
Holiday Highlights
One of the most anticipated events of the season is the Westshore Alliance members-only holiday luncheon at Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar. Hosted by Highwoods Properties, guests are offered an enticing menu and abundant networking opportunities, but the most exciting part of the event is the collection of donations for Roland Park K-8 Magnet School’s Seasons of Giving Program. Unwrapped items and monetary contributions for gifts go to students and families that might not otherwise receive any this season. Due to its heart-warming popularity, space at the luncheon is limited and advanced registration is required. Save your spot now!
Gratitude for Our Westshore Community
Whether you live in Beach Park, Westshore Palms, North BonAir, historic Carver City, or you’re just passing through, the holiday season just won’t be complete without a visit to the Westshore District and Community. This welcoming and thriving destination has everything to offer and even more to explore, and joining us for shopping, dining, entertainment and travel is sure to become an anticipated annual tradition. Visit the District’s Things to Do page to Explore the Westshore!