Getting Around

Westshore has a lot to see and do. Making your way around town is easy with a variety of options based on your needs.

  • Tampa International Airport

    Tampa International Airport (TPA) is located in the heart of Westshore and is consistently rated one of the best airports in the United States. TPA offers the following:

    • 100+ non-stop destinations, including many international flights
    • 314 average daily departures
    • service from 20+ airline carriers, 3 dedicated cargo carriers
    • 40+ restaurants, 40+ shops, 5 parking options, 2 fixed-base operations (private jet terminals), and on-site rental car facility with people mover connection to the main terminal
    • 25 million passengers travel through TPA annually
  • Public Transportation

    Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) offers 9 routes, 2 Express routes, and 1 Flex route to and from Westshore from throughout Hillsborough County. Visit for fares, maps and schedules.

    Tampa Bay area residents who use public transportation to commute to work may be entitled to a substantial transit tax benefit. For HART riders, this could translate into approximately $3,000 in annual non-taxable earnings or as an annual fringe benefit that could be offered by employers. Until recently, the maximum benefit for commuters was nearly half that amount. Learn more.

  • Commuting

    Save yourself the money and stress of driving alone to work. The Westshore Alliance has partnered with the Tampa Bay Regional Transit Authority (TBARTA) to help you choose commute options that work for you – carpool, vanpool, bus, walk, bike or telework. Take advantage of the many free services available such as carpool partner searches, individual trip planning assistance, tax-savings tips, bike pool groups and more.

    TBARTA’s Commute Tampa Bay is a quick and easy online service allowing commuters to find their carpool and vanpool matches and bicycle buddies with whom to share the ride.